Official site for the Charles Manson Truth.

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November 14, 2024

NEW Charles Manson Art Display

CM Letter Excerpt - 1997

"I don't want to be obnoxious here, but you got millions and millions and millions of people

with the same and with variations of difference and saying the same thing.

I say just simply this: Heal the mind. And then work for the air, the trees, the water and the animals.

And the people? Tough shit. If you want to live in my world, come and go through what I went through to live in my world.

You don't just come get in my world. You have to do something to earn my world.

I wouldn't let a lot of those people in my world if I had the say so about it. I don't have to destroy them like Adolf did,

all I have to do is just say no. I don't want that in my world. I don't want that confusion in my world.

You don't have to let those people in your mind. You let the people in your mind that are helping your mind.

And your mind is the only mind. You are the mind.

You are ATWA, you are the earth, you are the trees, you are the animals, you are everything.

You are the child of god.

That's the truth. Period.


The soul rolls and truth knows. The rebirth movement is a no surrender movement."


August 27, 2024

New CM Virtual Arts Display at

So what you’re doing is; you’re reaching your hand in the grave, and you’re saying, “Come on all your righteous people who want to survive on the earth.  Come on you real deal.  If you want to breathe air, and water, and live in the harmony, get with it. 

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed is thy Life on Earth – ATWA. You see it?  Then it’s a part of you and you’re a part of it. And you are the order of ATWA.  …

It’s not the question, “Why did you crucify Christ?”.  You search the books, you search the scholars, you go through all the high minds of the world and say, “Why did you crucify Christ?”, and you’re not going to get an answer because it’s the wrong question. The question is – are you ready?  Why are you crucifying Christ?  Why are you crucifying Christ every day?  Every day you’re killing Christ’s air.  Every day you’re taking Christ’s life.  Every day you’re poisoning Christ’s water.  If you really truly love Christ, then get with ATWA. 

The ATWA is the righteous order of the planet.  It started with George Washington, the Sons of Liberty.  The Sons of Liberty gave their life.  We cannot live without liberty.  Liberty is the thing that makes our hearts beat.  Liberty is the thing that gives us ‘human’. 

There’s no humans. All the humans now are brain-dead. 45 years… you’re all that’s helped, you and… 

Everybody that’s helped has always had a fuckin’ ulterior motive for something other than ATWA. They don’t give a fuck about ATWA, they use ATWA to get some money, or use ATWA to get some attention. 

You know, I mean, who really gives a fuck about ATWA?  The bugs, birds, trees, they do – ‘cause they have to, ‘cause they’re in the will of God.  God knows.  

Charles Manson    April 15, 2013 


August 19, 2024

NEW! Please note and save, or bookmark, our URL change from to


May 12, 2024

Free Download of "The Permaculture Student 1" with Free Video Series! Amazing Introduction to Practical DIY Permaculture!

Rewilding Earth - The Rewilding Institute, Vision & Work.

Return of the Jaguar to Part of It's American Natural Range!!


April 28, 2024 - Biggest River Catch Ever?

Very Effective Earth Protectors Organization !

The Goodbye Helter Skelter Podcast, Episode # 31

WOLVES!  Short Vid

Beavers Get Another Chance in CA 

Animal-Crossing Installed in Wyoming is a Huge Success!    46 Wild Life Trusts in the UK, With Nearly a Million Total Members!


January 30, 2024

Beavers Create Wetlands in the Desert!

Regenerating Our Soil!

The Goodbye Helter Skelter Podcast, Episode # 29.

Return of the Buffalo: Restoring the Great American Prairie!


September 26, 2023

New "Goodbye Helter Skelter Podcast" number 9.

New "Goodbye Helter Skelter Podcast" number 10.

EV Battery Factory Will Require A Coal Plant To Power It.

Nations To Sign Ocean Treaty

American Climate Corps Launched.


September 10, 2023

Italian Fisherman Creates Way to Stop Illegal Fishing

Bottom Trawlers! GREAT Article Links and Vids.

Four New Wolf  Packs Confirmed In California!

Supreme Court Shrinks Clean Water Protections.

Hundreds Of Abandoned Oil Wells Now Leak Toxins Into Texas Bays.

Visit our other ATWA Sites:

ATWAofficial on Facebook  -for CM music, Art prints, Hoodies, Tee shirts and more -for more info, back-stories and updates


June 10, 2023

NEW- George Stimson Goodbye Helter Skelter Podcast Live # 8. "The Search for Motive"

Two New Groups of Wolves Confirmed in Northern California

Rare Sighting of Wolverine in California

Indigenous Warriors Defend the Amazon


May 22,2023

NEW- Goodbye Helter Skelter Podcast Live # 6.

NOW! Live Goodbye Helter Skelter Podcast # 7, about Charlie's music.

"Money holds and feeds on fears of little minds who for the most part

have already been bought and sold and have no care about the nest or the crow or its egg." -CM

"You could run to the deserts of earth and try to get back under LIFE as bugs

and let the water's spirit deal with its death from those who misused the waters of all life. 

I started a new world with old ways made new in a rebirth for my life (world)." - CM

“The world's a chess game and the pawns make all the money for the kings who sit protected.

We are all terrorists, we have started the revolution against pollution and it will stop.” - CM


May 7. 2023

New: The Goodbye Helter Skelter Podcast LIVE # 5 with George Stimson


Apri 23, 2023

The Goodbye Helter Skelter Podcast - Live # 4 with George Stimson

TGHS Podcast Live - # 2

Addition for 6 minute audio gap in Live # 2.

TGHS Podcast Live # 3.

Help Protect Pollinators!!

(Scroll down for more info)

Poisoning Bees in Australia

Demand Justice in the Amazon


March 19, 2023

Tune in tonight, Sunday March 19th, for the first live-edition of the Goodbye Helter Skelter Podcast,

7pm Pacific Time on the GHS Youtube channel.

ALSO NEW! Episode # 15 of the Goodbye Helter Skelter Pod Cast with George Stimson.

"Look, look how wonderful, you remember how it is in forever? 

Protect and serve the bugs, worms, birds, and who knows, just maybe some old cave people may show up with a new look at the world again.

We started with a we, and it became ATWA for the need, and seeing there is no one person that can hold forever forever. 

Love is all of itself.  ATWA holds us all in life, as it is for everyone. 

It’s bigger than us and more and growing to hold all within its movement.

Easy, "

Transcribed from letter, March 2012

"You come to me with your love for me.  That love was in you and had nothing to do with me – my love for you was in me.

 Your love for me changes with the Air you take in and out – without the air, there is no there or where,

remember or forgets, it’s LOVE 4 the Air.

Forget to remember, remember to forget, knowing needs no remembering or forgetting, for LOVE IS knowing your LOVE,

and you or me means LESS than nothing and more than all, knowing we are ONE ATWA and I am all ATWA. 

Remembering what I’ll do and forgetting what I did, taking all in knowing Love is Air,

here, now, then, all, everything, and everywhere. 

Air my Sun god, god Sun Air, sweet love of life I am love you everywhere my air, it’s yours. 

Air Air, everywhere there is a there."

-- CM Letter, February 2012


February 26, 2023

New! George Stimson "Goodbye Helter Skelter Podcast" - Episode #14.

Important new documentary by the BBC on wood burning power plants!!

"We must do things that we must do. That doesn’t mean that there’s a choice in the matter. The choice is only HOW we do it. We must DO it. How we do it, is an episode that each mind and each intelligent life form must work out for themselves. They must work these things out any way that they can, for the love and life that they see is their own family. The family of America. We must concentrate on the continent of America in order to unify our money, our perspectives, our social order, our lifestyles, and our things that we must do in time that we have, which is not much. We have a small amount of time left.”
- excerpt from CM "ATWA" booklet.
"Mother Tree knows my feelings for I can feel her branches and I know my own life in and out, around, up and down, through with, and with out. Yes, Sister Sea feels me as I feel her waves and I hear the cries of the wildlife. A perfect mother knows I feel the wood being cut and I hurt and die with trees falling. How much a beast must I be to defeat the beast that destroys my mother?"

January 25, 2023

NEW! George Stimson "Goodbye Helter Skelter" Podcast -Episode# 13.

Great Article on the Wild Seed Project.

Roundup/Glyphosate Documentary- Amazing New Info! "Chemical Farming and the Loss of Human Health"

DuPont - Poisoning and Killing US Since 1938. Detailed and Stunning Documentary!


December 10, 2022.

New!  George Stimson "Goodbye Helter Skelter" Podcast - Episode # 12.

Huge Keystone Pipeline Oil Spill In Kansas Farmland !



November 11, 2022.

New Interview with Lynette Fromme:

expounding on stories from her book "Reflexion", sharing memories of her life with Charlie,

ATWA - ALL THE WAY ALIVE, and much more!

(she begins speaking at the 14:00 minute mark.)


November 06, 2020

NEW George Stimson "Goodbye Helter Skelter Podcast" - episode # 11,

a refreshing, frank and informative review of the book "Manson, The Life and Times of Charles Manson"


October 09 2022.

"When your minds' brain patterns are truly in forever, Soul, Spirit, love -

20 years is just a thought no time,

even 50 years is but just a flash - & the life of a Butterfly could have more

importance than a city like NY, NY. to the Flowers & Gardens that can only

survive by the butterflies that are truly Servants to life A.T.W.A.

They're a ship of people who are destroying more life in a day

than your lifetime could understand just how bad people are for Life

on Earth of your servant ATWA.  MANSON" 

Excerpt from letter, Charles Manson to a friend, 2010.


August 05, 2022

IMPORTANT NEW EPISODE- Goodbye Helter Skelter Podcast #10

-hosted by author George Stimson.

With a proper examination of the circumstances of the "Manson murders", could Charles Manson

have been judged not guilty of first degree murder?


July 11, 2022

Drilling Under Lake Mead To Drain The Last Drop - video

Western Drought -Colorado River Water Not Enough

Trophy Hunter Killed In Africa

Dutch Farmers Are Not Giving Up!


May 22, 2022

CM to Star, Phone Tape - 2015

 "In other words, we're doing the same thing that the United States is doing, only we're doing it with the United States of the World.

We are the United States of the World, we are the World United States.

All the states are in our world of the Golden Emperor; that we have sovereignty in the power of the planet for ATWA.

That there's one God and that's ATWA.

If we don't have AIR we're not there." 

NEW :  Episode # 9 - Goodbye Helter Skelter Podcast - George Stimson

20 MILLION Acres of U.S. Farmland Polluted by Spreading Sewage Sludge

Positive ATWA News: Management of Bison Range Transferred to Tribal Control


April 10, 2022

ATWA ATWA ATWA   Air Trees Water Animals -  (Our Life-Support Systems on Mother Earth)

SURVIVE!  Respect, Heal, and Support Your ATWA for Life Enrichment and Soul Satisfaction.

Great Visit with Charles Manson - 1988 Interview.

NEW - Episode # 8 of  Goodbye Helter Skelter Podcast, with George Stimson.


February 03, 2022

New Goodbye Helter Skelter Podcast, Episode #7.

Great New Idea To Help Bees Survive & Thrive - Bee Bricks.

More Bee Brick Info!

Worldwide Natural Resource Land-Grab by Wall Street, International Bankers and Multi-national Corporations.


December 13, 2021

Successful Worldwide Tree Planting Project!!  23 Million And Counting!


NEW!  - The Goodbye Helter Skelter Podcast - Episode #6  with George Stimson


 New Research Reveals - Green-Finance Swindle Seeks Control Of Our Natural Life Support Systems!


November 11, 2021


Water Links -- Positive News! Cleaning the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch

(Related Website-

Western Mega Drought & The Colorado River

New Zealand's Dirty Water

The Ganges; India's  Most Polluted Holy River

The Dying Dead Sea

NEW:  Episode #5  -The Goodbye Helter Skelter Podcast with George Stimson

ARTICLE:  Climate Summit & "Elitist Hypocrites"


October 17, 2021

Most Recent Helter Skelter Podcast - Episode Four with George Stimson.

NEW HERE:  ATWA Teeshirts, Sweatsirts, Hoodies & More. NEW COLORS!

CM Art Prints, Booklets, CM Music Vinyls and CDs, Motorcycle Vests, Pendants etc. 



September 29, 2021

NEW Goodbye Helter Skelter Podcast, Episode Three with George Stimson.

FROM THE UK - Funeral Home Owner/Director Speaks About His Experience With Covid-19.

Transcript of Blessing by CM

All living life forms who are intelligent, use your brains.  All living life forms who want to survive on Earth, use your minds.

All authority that is authority, that is righteous in truth in the wisdom of all that is God, and God being great, as God is in all living life forms, live NOW.  All The Way Alive.

In this moment we all find serenity and bliss, and righteousness and truth.  We accept life completely as forever.  There is no beginning or end to it.  We just are, man.

Charles Manson      - October 20, 2010

September 09, 2021

Pesticide Action Network, North America ( GOOD NEWS!!

The Goodbye Helter Skelter Podcast, Episode Two.

"SEASPIRACY" - Amazing Oceans Documentary!

Dr. Fauci Faces Call To Resign For Funding Wuhan Research

Israel Planning To Administer Fourth Covid Shot.


August 18, 2021

Informative New Video!

The Goodbye Helter Skelter Podcast #1.  George Stimson.


Charles Manson Music, CDs, Vinyls, ATWA Booklets, Original CM Art Prints, ATWA T-shirts

Dead Rider Motorcycle Vests and more, Available NOW at


July 23, 2021

VIDEO - New interview with GEORGE STIMSON - longtime friend of Charles Manson and author of "Goodbye Helter Skelter"

New info about Big Pharma patents filed on Covid 19, before infections found in world population.

Insight into DRONE WAR being fought by USA against Middle Eastern and African countries.


July 15, 2021

Trial Transcript Excerpt.

People of California v. Charles Manson.

(from RT22239_6001-6300  starting on page 18.)

DEFENDANT MANSON: May I make a motion?

THE COURT: Yes, you may.

DEFENDANT MANSON: Your Honor, in view of the publicity, and it doesn't look like it is going to stop, I request this Court, as provided in the Constitution, to be able to confront and cross-examine witnesses, to be able to take a part in these proceedings in order for the Court, the jury, the spectators and the world that is misinformed so badly, to take a look at what they are judging. It is easy to sit and be quiet and have someone else speak, but they are not my words, they are  -6022-  not my philosophy that you speak of, they are not my Family's that you talk of. All the things that the Court seems to be confused about, I might be able to assist and to help you straighten this mess out, because you have certainly got a mess, you have made a mess of the whole thing. You have made a mess of it.

THE COURT: Are you making a motion of some kind, Mr. Manson?

DEFENDANT MANSON: Yes. I am making a motion to be allowed to move as my own counsel and have movement of the courtroom to cross-examine and be confronted and confront witnesses, with the assistance of an attorney who can help me in the legal matters.

MR. FITZGERALD: Patricia Krenwinkel will join in that motion on behalf of Mr. Manson.

MR. HUGHES: Leslie Van Houten will join in that motion on behalf of Mr. Manson.

MR. SHINN: Miss Atkins will join in that motion.

DEFENDANT MANSON: Your Honor, I have the whole world -‑

THE COURT: Just a moment, sir. I am not sure that I understand what you are talking about, Mr. Fitzgerald. Will you explain what motion you are joining in?

MR. FITZGERALD: Mr. Manson has made a motion to be  -6023-  allowed a limited pro per status. Patricia Krenwinkel has no objection to that; and if it is possible to join in that motion, we would like the record to indicate that we do join, and encourage the Court to grant such a motion.

MR. SHINN: Your Honor, I believe that the District Attorney has no objections.

THE COURT: I didn't hear you.

MR. SHINN: I stated that the District Attorney does not have any objections.

6024-  MR. STOVITZ: You didn't hear any objection, no, but at the beginning we said our silence does not constitute consent.

MR. SHINN: Do you object, then, Counsel?

MR. STOVITZ: We have no standing to object or not to object.

THE COURT: Let Mr. Manson finish his argument. Have you finished, sir?

MR. MANSON: It seems that pro se it wouldn’t 't be such a bad idea. It also seems -- more than it seems, it is a fact that the news media has pretty much tried the case. Now, if we are going to judge someone, let's exhibit that person.

THE COURT: Mr. Manson, I permitted you to speak in support of what I understood to be a motion. Now, you will have to make your motion crystal-clear to me so that I can rule on it, and I want you to confine your argument to the argument in support of that motion.

DEFENDANT MANSON: Your Honor, each man has a reality, each man knows what he knows to be true. For me to communicate to you, I have to use my reality because I don't know your reality. I know you are a pilot and I know you have been through wars -‑

THE COURT: Mr. Manson -- -6025- 

MR. MANSON: May I finish?

THE COURT: -- I am not going to let you continue unless you get back on the track, as I indicated to you. Tell me precisely what relief you are seeking and you may argue in support of that.

DEFENDANT MANSON: This is the problem. The track that you are on and the track that I am on is two different tracks. You judge me from a slanted view. I ask this Court if I may stand up and be a man and maintain my voice in the courtroom to cross-examine witnesses that I am confronted with.

THE COURT: Are you asking to represent yourself?

DEFENDANT MANSON: Yes, in the pro se status if not in the pro per.

THE COURT: You are not asking for a substitution of attorneys?

DEFENDANT MANSON: Substitution of attorneys? I am asking for it in any direction that you can give me consideration.

THE COURT: You have to make the motion, sir. I am not going to tell you what you want to do.


THE COURT: You will have to state it clearly so that I can understand and rule on it.

DEFENDANT MANSON: I make the motion that I be  -6026-  allowed to proceed as my own attorney with assistance of counsel.

THE COURT: Now, this motion has been made a number of times before by you, Mr. Manson, as you know. Not only in this court, but in at least two, or possibly three, other courts in this case, in pretrial proceedings. When I passed on it before, I reviewed all of the proceedings of those cases and, in addition, I had the opportunity to observe you and to hear you, and I reached my conclusion after considering all of those things. Since the last time that motion was made, I have again had more opportunity to hear you. In rather lengthy jury selection proceedings in chambers where you sat across the desk from me for approximately five weeks, you have made a number of statements, a number of motions, during the course of those proceedings. And I have had no reason to change the conclusion that I reached before, that is, that you are not competent to represent yourself. It would be a miscarriage of justice to permit you to represent yourself in a case having the complications that this case has.  -6027- 

DEFENDANT MANSON: What do we have now? Do we have justice now?

THE COURT: So your motion will be denied. Is there anything further, sir?

DEFENDANT MANSON: Yes, sir. You mentioned miscarriage of justice.

THE COURT: I don't want any further argument on that. I have ruled on that. Now, do you have any further motion to make?

DEFENDANT NANSON: Then we will move down one peg to pro se. Is there any chance to get in that slot?

THE COURT: No. The motion will be denied, if that is what it is.

DEFENDANT MANSON: You say "inadequate." I don't understand that. Inadequate in which respect?

THE COURT: Well, I have passed on that. I am not going to consider it further. Now, if you have anything else to say, now is the time to say it, if you are making a motion of any kind, otherwise we are going to proceed with the trial.

DEFENDANT MANSON: Does the Constitution say I have a right to maintain a voice in this court?

THE COURT: Your voice is your attorney's voice, so long as you are represented by counsel.

DEFENDANT MANSON: I can't speak through another man. -6028- He lives in another world. He is a million miles away from reality.

THE COURT: I will have to ask you to sit down now and we will proceed with the trial. Anything further, gentlemen, before we bring the jury back? Bring in the jury.

DEFENDANT MANSON: Mr. Older, I can't accept you as being a good Judge. A pilot maybe. The inadequacy is a reflection of your own.

THE COURT: Mr. Manson, I am going to order you to refrain from speaking out in court.



May 09, 2021

Important links for ATWA action and awareness:    -Protection-Adoption- Information-

Micro Plastics- Plastic Rain?!

Rain and Air samples contain microplastics! Learn more here.

Regenerative Agriculture- redeeming farms from chemical destruction.

(Scroll down for more info choices.)


March 19, 2021

Red radio interview and book reading (originally aired on EARTHEART radio show 2/14/2021).

>Listen on Youtube<


February 28, 2021

Re-Posted by request:    Video of a conversation with Gray Wolf ,  (2017)

Special thanks to Red Wolf, AtwaOrchid, and James Day - Pyramid Productions.


February 18, 2021

IMPORTANT LINK to great petition. has a very informative and effective PETITION online, as part of an ongoing and successful effort to outlaw animal killing contests, currently hosted on State and Federal Public Lands. After seeing success in several States, is organizing to affect Federal laws allowing these killing contests on Federal Public Lands. 

"We, the undersigned, seek to permanently abolish contests that promote the mass killing of coyotes, wolves, bobcats, foxes, prairie dogs, and other species for fun and prizes on our federal public lands. We strongly support a modern, evidence-based, and compassionate approach to coexistence with wildlife.

Although other bloodsports like dogfighting and cockfighting have been outlawed nationwide, thousands of native carnivores and other species perish every year in killing contests, derbies, and tournaments across the country. Killing contests..."


November 21, 2020

Air Trees Water Animals/All The Way Alive. 
"...You come to me with your love for me. That love was in you and had nothing to do with me / my love for you was in me. Your love for me changes with the Air you take in and out / without the Air there is no there or where, remember or forgets, it's LOVE 4 the Air. Forget to remember, remember to forget; knowing needs no remembering or forgetting, for LOVE IS knowing your LOVE, and you or me means LESS than nothing and more than all, knowing we are ONE ATWA and I am all ATWA. Remembering what I'll do and forgetting what I did, taking all in knowing Love is Air, here, now, then, all, everything and everywhere. Air my Sun god, god Sun Air, sweet love of life I am love you everywhere my air; it's yours. Air, Air, everywhere there is a there." 

Charles Manson / letter 2012 Blessings and thankfulness.

"So what you're doing is you're reaching your hand in the grave and you're saying, 'Come on all you righteous people who want to survive on earth. Come on you real deal. If you want to breathe air, and [have clean] water, and live in harmony, get with it.' Hail Mary, full of grace, The Lord is with thee, blessed is thy Life on Earth / ATWA. You see it? Then it's a part of you and you're a part of it. And you are the order of ATWA. ...It's not the question 'Why did you crucify Christ?' You search the books, you search the scholars, you go through all the high minds of the world and say 'Why did you crucify Christ?' and you're not going to get an answer because it is the wrong question. The question is / are you ready? Why are you crucifying Christ? Why are you crucifying Christ every day? Every day you're killing Christ's air. Every day you're taking Christ's life. Every day you're
 poisoning Christ's water. If you really truly love Christ, then get with ATWA. The ATWA is the righteous order of the planet.... It started with George Washington, the Sons of Liberty. The Sons of Liberty gave their life. We cannot live without liberty. Liberty is the thing that gives us 'human'..."

Charles Manson / excerpt from phone call, April 15, 2013


November 11, 2020    VETERANS DAY

I tell you all: you must look to ATWA. There is no other way.

It must be one world now. One world now, everywhere, the planet must be one.

And all the conflict of everyone trying to outdo each other, it's what's destroying it...

So it's all about the trees, soldier. It's all about the trees, soldier. If we don't have trees,

and we don't have green, we don't have no life on the planet Earth.

So the war is towards the Holy, the Righteous and the real of what's destroying

life on planet Earth. You destroy my life on  the planet Earth, I'm making moves

in that direction with chemistry and biology from Greenland, north side of everything

coming and going towards intelligent life forms that want to survive.

ATWA: all the way alive, all the way of life, and that's all there is.

If we don't have air, the rest of it don't matter.

-Charles Manson - from the liner notes to his "AIR" album, 2010.



September 30, 2020

On the edge of Nowhere

there's no place to go

and all I could be

is everything you know.

The more heat we create

the colder the wind is gonna blow.

Soul in Soul that rolls

knowing you in the know,

that's myme, that's my flow.

One Mind grows -

keeps growing - with all that grows -

Everything that's growing right now 

& now continues to expand

is what's traveling through the Cosmic Consciousness

of the world, and all that is a man.

There's no place you can run -

there's no place you can stand,

it's just what it is

you are the Man.

One Me.

Charles Manson 

circa 2009


August 09, 2020

Keep faith. Even if you know no hope, the FAITH gets strong because hope is a movie, a T.V. head phony religion book-brain.  Faith is what you are in your LOVE for ATWA's Myme's & bees trees feet & knees toes & pleas sleep & sneeds rocks & stones ribbons & the sight & sound cat & ram's seeps & old tears.

Charles Manson postcard, September 2012.


January 10, 2020

Daddy started teaching (coaching actually) before I turned three. On the weekends he would borrow a projector & screen, along with the Disney nature film, some about animals, or insects (bees, ants etc.) or the ocean or volcanoes; whatever was in the unused section of the school library.

I was about 2 1/2 to 3 years old when I watched the film about tigers. To my horror I learned that tigers killed and ate people. I guess I thought people were exempt from such things. I insisted we should kill them so we (myself especially) would not have to fear them.

About a year later we moved to our new house and there was cement laid for a patio in the backyard & I was laying on my stomach watching the black ants busy about their day. I liked them because they didn't bite or sting and you could let them walk on you and look at them really close. One ant had been badly hurt, probably by me as I walked to where I was laying. I felt terrible as I watched him try to continue along his way to do what he was doing before half of him was torn apart & squashed. His eyes glistened with life, I could see him in there... & he struggled to live and complete his errand. He was every bit as alive as I was and he tried with his whole being to live, even in his condition. I realized all living thing, like me, wanted very much to live. That he had as much right to his life as I to mine. From that moment on I didn't wish to kill any living being, even a man eating tiger.

One evening at dinner (I was supposed to eat and NOT talk, while my parents exchanged their news of the day) we were having my favorite, drumsticks & corn on the cobb with mashed potatoes... when I overheard one of my parents call the drumsticks chicken legs. It didn't take me but an instant to realize what had happened to the chickens.

I felt so betrayed that no one had told me I was eating a once living animal. I was horrified & instead of eating quietly, I let my outrage go out of control. How dare they not tell me. I didn't want to eat animals, I wanted to be friends with them. What about their families & their right to be alive? Why hadn't I been told the truth?

When we traveled to the desert or to Santa Cruz I cried for each animal run over on the road, imagining the babies waiting for a mommy who would never come home & the loss seemed personal & close.

Now everything is bisected by roads and fenced as well. The trees are cleared for $ & all the critters are living on the edge of  extiction. I counted seven honeybees this summer when the blackberries were blooming & I stopped a man who was transporting hives to his fields to make honey.  I guess it's not going to improve. So sad that such purpose and beauty should leave us.

I know there's much more to it than that, but when I begin to comprehend the entirety of it my mind boggles & my heart cries an endless lament. I cry for myself, to lose this magical world & to be the deastroyer of this as a human being. Sorrow and loss on so many levels...

Well, I bet that's about as cheerful a letter as you've gotten lately. How much longer do they intend to keep you in the hole? I think of you when I breathe and when my heart beats. I dream of you when calm & goodness sneak up on me.

iluvu iluvu I love you.

My love


[Letter to CM from Cathy "Cappy" Gillies,  January 2012.]


July 25, 2020

You say ATWA & people say "How much is the cost?"  - They worry about how much money& they don't even think that it's their LIFE, because they are already brain-dead in money - WWII was the same, if you take the money back from the ones who took it they will die dead & be GONE.  

- Postcard from Charles Manson - circa 2012.

It's all about redemption - beyond lies & pretension - and to pretend you're not pretending is on the road to becoming real beyond movies buying & selling Souls & T.V. heads, tape recorder brains & overall bunkum...rolls a new Star to eyes that never seen the stage circle wheeling stars before the High Bunkum beyond low Bunkum

- Postcard from Charles Manson, circa 2012.

California Condor making a comeback from the edge of extinction! (Video with article.)


June 25. 2020.

"Come on real, I'm kind to kindness, I'm love to love, and a fool to a fool.

Like you and all humans I love my own selfish self and now that's all of you. I can reflect mean, bad, and death and fear as easy as I can reflect gentleness, life, and love, for in truth I am one with both sides. That's where I find my own glory in knowing I am just as good as bad, and I am free to make up my own mind without worrying about the opinions of the past.

You can't do much if you need everyone to think good of you. Most only think good of you if you die. After you're dead everyone will cry and say how good you were.

Some people are raised to do it right and don't know right from wrong because it's all just programming. Right and wrong for who and what? On what level of honor, grace, or survival? Do you think a mama lion evil when she downs a deer to feed her baby?

Good and evil is related to balance for survival." -CM

CM quote from "Reflexion" by Lynette Fromme, p.436. Peasenhall Press, 2018.


May 26, 2020.

People in UK say they will do more to maintain cleaner AIR.

Memorial Day Reflection.  "Your Soldier",  CHARLES MANSON.

ATWA  and CM booklets, CM music, ATWA Tee-shirts and much more all now available at www.


May 09, 2020.

Living in the Redwoods for more than 30 years.  A voice for Earth.   -Video-

Planting Redwoods: A Tutorial.

The Redwood Forest Institute. Restoration of Redwoods.   (may be slight delay in loading)

Pakistan Hires Thousands for 10 Billion Tree-Planting Initiative.


May 01, 2020.

"Planet of the Humans" documentary. Highly recommended!!

Amazing information concerning the so-called "Green Revolution". Well done film. (Michael Mooore is not in it.) Scroll down to second video choice for full film.

"The Dimming". GeoEngineering reveal!

Watch trailer in this link.

Expose' of the CDC, the WHO, and their deep ties to the vaccine and pharmaceutical industries.

Full video interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., revealing how Big Pharma captures our National health-and-vaccine regulatory agencies.


March 20, 2020.

Happy Equinox !!

See links below for updates on the lessening pollution across the world during the virus shutdowns, as well as other great info about wildlife suriving and people working to protect our ATWA.

NASA images show pollution clear in China.

British Billionaire Fights Coal Plants.

Venice and Italy: Air and Water Benefit From Economic Shutdowns.

World-wide Pollution Reductions.

Great Wildlife Video of Animals Crossing Log Over Stream.

People Battle Canadian Oil Pipeline.

Mexican Grey Wolf Population Coming Back Strong.

"Dark" Fishing Plunders Oceans.


February 19, 2020.

New Kindle editions now avalable for REFLEXION by Lynette Fromme and for GOODBYE HELTER SKELTER by George Stimson.

Important valid ATWA related information links:           Tesla ordered to stop cutting trees

Lawsuit launched over rollback of protections for Rivers, Wetlands and Endangered Species.

New soft ATWA Tees and CM art now available at


December 25, 2019  Merry Christmas

Remembering this beautiful 2012 Christmas gift from Charlie.  Christmas time was always nice because we got an extra visiting day added to the week, plus another extra day soon after for New Years Day.

- Afton





Get the book:

Reflexion, by Lynette Fromme


Get the book, "Goodbye Helter Skelter", by George Stimson



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